Wishing all of my strong, independent, beautiful, empowering women a very happy #internationalwomensday!
I am who I am, because I had the kind of woman who I just described raise me. I am who I am, because I have always known that we can do things equal to or greater than any man. I am who I am, because no one can or will ever make me feel lesser than, put me down or tell me otherwise.
To anyone who has ever told us that we can’t or we won’t ever be good enough for something – look at us now!
Women are strong and resilient. Women are the reason why the population continues to grow. Women are the backbones and rocks to any solid foundation. Women have voices and should never feel like they can’t express themselves. Women have and will continue to be leaders who will command respect. We will continue to raise and uplift one another because that’s what bad ass boss bitches do!
Ladies – WE GOT THIS! Cheers to you ~Astra